Minerva Pictures International



We are glad to announce that THE SHIFT by Alessandro Tonda will be the OPENING FILM of the Brussels International Fantastic Film Festival 2021, one of the biggest fantasy film festivals in the world, that will take place from 6th to 18th April.

Synopsis: Just an average day in the European capital. Teenagers are entering the grounds of their high school, chatting and joking with each other until the bell rings, calling them to their classes. At the same moment, gunshots ring out in the building. Bleeding bodies are falling to the floor, while two young men transform themselves into suicide terrorists. And then there is an explosion. The emergency services soon arrive on the scene. Isabelle and Adamo, two paramedics at the end of their shift, make their way through the chaos of smoke, blood and maimed bodies.


For more info visit BIFFF.net



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